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Бывший директор ЦЕРНа сравнил реформу РАН с уничтожением Итальянской академии режимом Муссолини

Luciano MaianiИзвестный физик-теоретик, бывший директор ЦЕРН, иностранный член РАН Лучано Майани (Luciano Maiani) обратился к министру образования и науки Дмитрию Ливанову с письмом, в котором он выразил обеспокоенность планами про реформированию РАН.

«Возможно, такое сравнение покажется Вам неподходящим, но имейте ввиду, что Национальная академия Италии (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei), которой более 400 лет, была “реформирована” только один раз – во времена Муссолини, когда она была заменена Академией Италии (Accademia d’ Italia). После войны, итальянцы и антифашисты решили вернуться к традициям старой Accademia dei Lincei, которая является наиболее старой академией в мире, и среди ее наиболее выдающихся публикаций – труды Галилео Галилея, которые привели к появлению “науки нового времени”» 


From: Prof Luciano Maiani

Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 11:03 AM

Subject: RAS reform plans


Dear Minister,

we hear from our distinguished colleagues that a deep and serious transformation of the RussianAcademy of Sciences is being planned. The RussianAcademy of Sciences has represented for many of us excellence in scientific research, and we were, in the last 40 years, deeply admired and appreciative of the work of our Russian colleagues. 

We  want to firmly stress  the fact that, when touching such an old and Distinguished institution, one should do it with extreme care and full involvement of the scientific community.  In fact, the main point of being of Academies is that scientific excellence should be judged by scholars who have dedicated their lives to the ideals of science and culture. And not by politicians, or, even worse, bureaucrats. 

Even if such a comparison may look akward to you, keep in mind that the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, the Italian national Academy (more than 400 years old) was only ‘reformed’ during the Mussolini times, when it was replaced by the Accademia d’ Italia. After the war, Italians and antifascists wanted to go back to the tradition of the old Accademia dei Lincei, which is the most ancient Academy in the world, and had among its most brilliant  publications, the publications by Galileo Galilei which led to  the ‘new science». 

We do therefore hope that  hasty and not well planned «reforms» will not destroy what centuries of scholarly work has built. 

Sincerely yours 

Luciano Maiani

Emeritus Professor, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy

former Director General, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

associate to the Russian Academy of Science

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